Monday, April 16, 2007

Discussion about a CC Server on the USCF Forum

Recently USCF Executive Board candidate Stephen L. Jones initiated a thread asking for ideas about "how the USCF, at this late hour, can become involved in internet play."

Your intrepid blogger piped in with the thought that almost unlimited growth was available if the USCF were to obtain a CorrChess web server or partner with someone like ICCF that has already established a successful server.

Mike Nolan and Hal Bogner posted notes regarding this idea with Hal Bogner stating, "I would like to add functions like this to the USCF web site at some point in the future, if Mike doesn't have it in his crosshairs first. I think it's an excellent idea, and I can imagine some very nice feautures for such a service above and beyond what I have seen already in other places."
One can sometimes not entirely finger where Mike Nolan stands on an issue, but he didn't say he was opposed!

Mike Nolan is the "catch all" tech consultant for the USCF which means he deals with the guts of the USCF internet data and processes. Hal Bogner's company is finishing the work left over on the USCF web site.

Could a CorrChess web server be in the future for the USCF?

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