Thursday, June 21, 2007

More Info About ICCF-US (Zone 3) | Funds Available

A week or so before the Franklin Campbell warning about the coming correspondence chess crisis, USCF Executive Board member Don Schultz wrote the following BINFO:

BINFO 200701362
Date 2007-06-12
From Chessdon
Status Standard Release
Release Date 2007-06-20
Subject Fide Delegates Metting Turkey NOT

Bill Kelleher has confirmed to me that there will be no FIDE Delegates meeting in Turkey in Nov 2007.

Therefore, the $4,000 allocated for FIDE Delegate and Zonal President in the 2007-08 budget can be reduced to zero.

Don Schultz

The assets are available. Now to see if USCF governance steps up and does the right thing...

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