Tuesday, August 28, 2007

On The Web

Harvey updates the formation of the New Met League here and here.
He also announced a new website and blog location for the league.


FM Alex Dunne published my blog entry from 28 June 2007 as a letter to the editor in The Check is in the Mail August issue. WooHoo! To be sure, I sent this via email to every USCF official I could find and also posted it on the USCF Forum and ICCF Forum as well as the USCF BINFO system.

FM Dunne also details the many contributions by Max Zavanelli for American correspondence chess and his career over the past twenty years. Among IM Zavanelli's accomplishments are:

  • Eliminating dropouts
  • Using Ratings to determine international team members
  • A surge in titled players, over 50 IMs during Max's tenure

Among the titles Max has held are:

  • ICCF Vice President
  • ICCF Deputy Chairman
  • International Arbiter
  • Zonal Director
  • International Master
  • ICCF Deputy President
  • ICCF Acting President

In conclusion, FM Dunne writes:
For twenty years the name Max Zavanelli has been synonymous with ICCF and US success. And now Max has decided it is time to retire. And who shall replace him?
J. Franklin Campbell has listed some of the problems facing US international players – no international teams, no one to represent US for titles to our players, no nominations to prestigious international events, no input at ICCF congresses, and no access for US players to play internationally. Someone out there needs to consider taking over the help of ICCF/US. And soon. Ruth Ann Fay has announced her retirement as of October of 2007. Ruth is willing to train her replacement. Who out there is
willing (and able) to lead American players to as successful a decade or two
as Max and Ruth?


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